Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reality Trip

I went on 'vacation' last week to Colorado. I stayed in a cabin by Lake George on a mountain that set a up perfect view of Pikes Peak Now I do believe that concept behind a vacation is to 'vacate' your life - and the problems it holds. This little excursion was not so much a break from real life as much as running smack into it. However from pain often comes inspiration and I was able turn my reality check into some great hair accessories as well as some photos I'm pretty proud of.

I love this layered view of the mountains.

I like this little scene...oh and the little hut hiding behind the bridge and bushes was this super sketchy looking bathroom. I could have touched the roof and I'm only slightly over five feet. Tiny claustrophobic bathrooms give me more willies than there are words to say.

I love the shape of this bush/tree/thing.

I became minorly obsessed with these birch(?) trees and the intricacies of their branches.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Penny Pinching

Recent days have brought a harsh reality to the forefront of my mind. Living cheaply is called 'penny PINCHING' for a reason. Because it hurts. Don't be fooled by all of the optimists who go on tv shows say they live like kings on $25 dollars a month and never want for anything. Don't believe the scammers who say they only pay $2 for their $100 grocery bill because they clip coupons. These people are a) lying, b) on some sort of mind altering medication/drug or c) suffering from an as of yet undiagnosed psychological disorder.

I am not an optimist by any stretch of the imagination but I am also not a pessimist. I am (or at least believe my self to be) a realist. I'm not buying the 'it's fun to be cheap' mantra, but I also ignore those who go on tv and compare our great nation's recent economic slump to the 1930's. You know, back when people had to stand in long lines for rationed food, 1/4 of America was jobless and many were homeless.

However, what ever this is that we are going through, it's a little sucky and has brought 'penny pinching' into my life. As a recent college grad with a degree in an expendible field (fashion), I found that finding a job while most companies were looking to downsize was not what I had grown up expecting. I'm now working an extremely underpaying job and am forced to continue relying on my parents for some financial support. My dad is self-employed and his company is feeling the pinch as well which makes my inability to completely support myself all the more guilt-inducing.

As a child of North Dallas, I grew up used to the spending, the vacations, the general importance of the material. The 'pinch' I feel - while admittedly not earth shattering - is difficult to adjust to. As someone who likes to ease her inner tension with a little shopping spree, I've had to teach myself to leave the beautiful things on the shelf and simply enjoy what I've got. You'll notice me at the store. I'm the neurotic one picking things up and carrying them around with a distressed, twitching face before I eventually talk myself into putting the item back - on whatever shelf I'm standing by. I then hurry away as if running from a bad break up. Please be kind and keep a respectful distance.

The reality I'm coming to is that while living on a limited income is not fun - denying yourself rarely is - it's the attitude you choose that will make you content or miserable. For today, I'm choosing content.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Quantum Physics

Today I watched a man with a doctorate in quantum physics attempt to teach music to kindergartners. It made me feel smart. It made the children feel sleepy. Smiderman and Superfly were out of their minds with boredom and kept giving me looks that could only say, "Why do you hate us so much? I barely know my name and now I have to listen to this schmo wax poetic about the bassoon!?!?" I just smiled awkwardly at the sub and wondered what had gone so wrong in his life that he was now working as a substitute teacher.

Only a day and a half left until spring break and I couldn't be more excited. I think I'm going to Colorado and I'm certain that I'm going to be very productive. My new gluten free diet seems to be helping a lot with my pain and while it is (very) time consuming the rewards are greater than the sacrifices (California Pizza kitchen bread).

Now I need to go so I can turn off this creepy IFC movie and tuck myself into bed.